FREE Chamber Picnic
All businesses are WELCOME to attend the DeMotte Chamber Picnic!
And It’s FREE!
You are cordially invited to the DeMotte Chamber Picnic. This event will take the place of the Annual Christmas Dinner Awards.
You are welcome to bring your co-workers and families to the Chamber Picnic. Yep, kids are welcome too!
We will have picnic food, yard games and fellowship. Feel free to bring your own games too for a little friendly competition among businesses! We will have bottled water for all, but you are welcome to bring your beverage choice including beer or spritzers in cans (no bottles or hard alcohol please). There will be chairs available, but feel free to bring your own lawn chairs or blankets. There is a lot of space to enjoy the outdoors with your friends, coworkers and family. In the event of rain, we will be in the beautiful barn with full accommodations.
There will also be tours of the premises for those who would like to learn more about Whispering Oaks Venue.
Saturday, May 20, 2023 – Rain or Shine
Noon-4:00pm (CST)
Business Award Presentation will take place at 3:00pm
Whispering Oaks Venue (15771 US 231-DeMotte)
RSVP by May 10, 2023 – this is required, email info@demottechamber.org with your reservation