Chamber Member Business Information

Thank you for filling out your business information. We will update our records. If at any time you need changes, you can call the office at 219-987-5800 or e-mail Diva at

Important for you to know: your business name, physical location, business phone number and a link to your website or Facebook page are posted here on the Chamber website. Your business contact name and e-mail address will never appear on the Chamber website.

Check out the Membership Directory to see your business listing.


Business Information

E-mailed or paper invoices can be paid through the secure payment portal at
Include the email you wish invoices to be sent to.

Primary Contact Information

The Chamber will never sell or share your e-mails. These are strictly for Chamber correspondence use ONLY. If at any time you wish you unsubscribe from the Chamber e-mails, simply e-mail to unsubscribe.

Additional Business Representatives

You can add as many representatives as you see fit for your business or organization. The Chamber will never sell or share your e-mails. These are strictly for Chamber correspondence use ONLY. If at any time you wish you unsubscribe from the Chamber e-mails, simply e-mail to unsubscribe.

Additional information

Committee volunteerism is necessary for productive planning and successful outcome. There is so much networking that happens during these committee meetings. Please consider signing up for a committee or two today. Check all that apply.